Lars Elstrodt, the Secretary

“Sometimes the best way to solve your own problems is to help someone else.” – Uncle Iroh

Hey hey ! My name is Lars, and I am the secretary of KIKSTart 2023. Most of my tasks consist of attending meetings, taking minutes and answering emails to ensure that everything runs smoothly at the study-related kick-in.

I am also the contact person for all questions that you might have. So don’t hesitate to send us a mail.

That’s enough about my tasks, now let’s me tell you a bit about myself. I am Amersfoort, The Netherlands. In my youth I spend a lot of time at my local boy-scouts troop, where I learnt how to sail. This hobby of sailing resulted in me taking some courses and becoming a sailing instructor myself. Other than sailing I also played a lot of musical instruments, which I don’t really do anymore because I am way to busy studying or doing activities for the Study Association of CSE.

I’ve always enjoyed learning new skill and obtaining knowledge, combined with my passion for Chemistry and engineering, and my father also having studied at Enschede, made the choice for Chemical Science and Engineering quite easy for me. I’m now finishing up my second year and instead of progressing into the third year, I am planning on doing a board year for the study association of CSE, Alembic, where I will perform  the role of secretary as well.

Back in 2021 I joined the kick-in as a kiddo of Absolute Zero, an experience that I enjoyed very much, so much so that last year I became a do group parent of Total Borons. My goal of this year is to make sure that your experience will be just as memorable as mine was !

Hope to see you all during the Kick-in,

Lars Elstrodt

KIKSTart 2023