The Chemis-Try Hards

Hey future kiddo’s! 

We are the Chemis-Try Hards! We are a do-group that wants to give you the best possible kick-in experience by doing exactly what you guys want, whether that be parties, sports, or other events. However, first allow us to introduce our parents.  

Our head parents are Maja and Sem, who were in the same do-group last year. If you like parties, Balkan humor and excitement, Maja is the parent for you. Meanwhile, Sem is the more responsible one and looks more Baltic than Dutch. Then we have Bram, our Dutch farmer from a small village in the middle of nowhere. We also have Myla, our German Netflix binge-watcher. To fill out our Dutch quota, we have Stef, the Mario kart prodigy who looks like the most Dutch person you have ever seen. Last but not least, we have Piotr, our local Polish gym rat.  

We want to give you the opportunity to have as much fun during your Kick-In as we had during ours! We are open to doing whatever you want and will match whatever pace you guys want to set, whether that is joining every activity, or just joining some and having some fun activities with just our group. Please remember that everything we do is optional, so do not feel pressured to join anything you do not want to do. So, we want to show you guys as much as you want to see during the Kick-In!