The Borrelcie
The Borrelcie
About the Borrelcie
The BorrelCie is the committee of Alembic which organises all Alembic activities held in the TAP on the fifth floor of Carré. This includes the VriMiBos ones every three weeks, the drinks on Thursday every two weeks, graduation drinks and special events. The Borrelcie also organises an Oktoberfest and a beer tasting every other year.At this moment, the Borrelcie consists of multiple members, 3 of which form the ‘Borrelbestuur’. The Borrelbestuur runs the committee for an entire year and is the contact point for all TAP-related activities of Alembic.
Do you want to organise a (graduation) drink or another event in or outside the TAP, then mail to the e-mail address down below for the attention of the Planning.
Every six months (in March and November), members of Alembic can attempt to become a member of the BorrelCie. This is done by coming to the ‘Meet & Greet’, a night where you can get to know the current members of the Borrelcie and they can get to know you. After this the Borrelcie will vote who will get the honour to tap Grolsch. At the Duvel-op drink the new members can present their abilities and some old members will leave the committee.
Board contact person: Konstantina Vaidaki
Site: drinks
Standard events
- TAP VriMiBo
Every Friday from 16:00 - 19:00 on the 5th floor of Carré there is a drink. The members of the drafters committees draft the Vrimibo every week for you to enjoy... Bring your colleagues and friends and join us!
- TAP Graduation drink
Want to have a drink after your PhD defence or Master graduation? We offer a cheap and quality drink with snacks and music! Interested? Contact us! We would love to draft!
- TAP Regular drinks
Every other Thursday is a common time to have a drink in the TAP with members of Alembic and research groups. Watch for the yellow posters for drinks!
BorrelCie (2024-2025)
Casper van Dongen | Borrelcommissaris |
Melle Fopma | Treasurer |
Ramon Kroes | Logistics |
Thomas Kool | Tap board |
Daan Lankveld | General member |
Bjorn Siersema | General member |
Aron Hamming | General member |
Djurre Reitsma | General member |
Lars Elstrodt | General member |
Evan van der Geer | General member |
Sjoerd Nies | General member |
Laura van der Gaag | General member |
Rens van der Waal | General member |
Jana Kalvodová | General member |
Joppe Deelstra | General member |
Gerrit Willem de Vries | General member |
Felix Meesters | General member |
Marleen van den Berg | General member |
Daan Klomp | General member |